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Winding Resistance Measurement of Electrical Motors/Generators
In this application note, DV Power explains how to perform motor winding resistance test.

Circuit Breakers: Test plan creation using DV-Win software
With DV Power CAT Standard Series of circuit breaker analyzers & timers, you can create your test plan and use it later on a test site.

Field Experiences in Battery Internal Resistance and Capacity Testing
This research article issued by DV Power shows some field experiences with internal resistance tests and capacity testing. In addition, it provides a comparison between these two tests. The conclusion discusses some merits and short comings of each test.

Turns Ratio Testing – Test Results Analysis
This application note summarizes the explanation of important parameters in turns ratio testing: transformer turns ratio, turns ratio deviation, excitation current and phase angle.

Importance of Recording the Actuating Coil Current Waveform
This Note describes one alternative method for a circuit breaker operating condition estimate. By providing and analyzing the actuating coil current wave form during opening or closing operation, one can get an insight in the CB operational status. [1] Standard IEC-62271-100 suggests the actuating coil current waveform should be recorded during a test and attached to the test report.
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