Fault Loop Impedance Meters
Fault impedance testers are used to ensure that the circuit protection is working properly. In the event of a fault, the current follows the path with the lowest impedance. The fault loop is designed to provide that path. If its impedance is too high, consequently, the fault current may not be high enough to trigger circuit protection. If the protection fails to react, the main circuit continues to be powered. This can cause overheating and, in the worst-case scenario, fire. Impedance testers face certain challenges, such as providing high currents and downtime for cooling. When testing circuits with high current protection and impedance values as low as one milliohm, high currents are required. In the case of multiple impedance measurements, the test instrument needs downtime for cooling. Our product line includes instruments capable of measuring very low impedances with short cooling times. For more information, check out our offer.
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